Grief and Loss

Little can be said to absolve a person of the exquisite pain of losing someone or something. But much can be gained by sharing the experience of that pain with someone who cares. What is important to realize in therapy is that you don't have to experience death in order to grieve. Grief can take the shape of divorce, retirement, bankruptcy, illness, and so on. 

Tending to grief and loss looks like building up your coping resources and resiliency, while processing through painful emotions associated with your loss.  Your world looks different after your loss, and acceptance of that change is oftentimes the hardest part.  Therapy, then, becomes about recalibration and easing into acceptance of your new reality.  

It can be counterintuitive to imagine spending any more time in such a painful emotional state by coming to therapy, but I guide you along while you "lean into the pain" until you are sure that you can stand tall on your own and be okay with your new reality.  


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The Colorado Springs Counselor

Serving all of Colorado via Telehealth

