Post Traumatic Stress

Experiencing PTSD (big "T" traumas) means that you have suddenly been changed by the impulse to fight, flee, stay, or attach when faced with a threat. Your central nervous system has literally been frozen in one of these responses, so living in daily life where this level of threat doesn't normally exist makes functioning feel impossible.  

These responses happen automatically, and are not a choice.  For some, the reaction to these traumas are the hardest to deal with because of the shame and blame victims apply to such responses.  

It can be daunting to know how to begin tending to those wounds. There are important evidence-based practices that are proven to help heal trauma, which are utilized in our therapy process.  Oftentimes, though, the real healing evolves over time as you develop trust in the therapeutic relationship and trust in your own ability to cope with life's difficulties and your belief in yourself. 

Over the course of one session and of your entire treatment, I pace the depth and speed with which we revisit your painful experiences so you don't have to worry about becoming undone.  We spend time building up your coping resources and sense of personal resiliency, and then slowly begin revisiting and desensitizing the experiences which made you feel as broken as you do today. 

As you begin relieving yourself of the weight of what you went through, we focus on restoring, and in some cases creating for the first time, your sense of self-efficacy and capability.  You take power back from your past. Your relationships improve, you find value in yourself again, and your experiences moving forward begin to feel safer.


Free & Confidential Consultation


Free & Confidential Consultation

The Colorado Springs Counselor

Serving all of Colorado via Telehealth

